Thank You All - Fundraising Campaign Success for The Sharing Place Food Pantry !

Fundraising Campaign Success for The Sharing Place Food Pantry !

Submitted by Marc Adelberg, SJC Core Team Member

Dear Donors and Community Partners,

Sustainable Jersey City (SJC) is thrilled to announce that we have raised $5,448 for The Sharing Place food pantry via the ioby crowdfunding platform, reaching and exceeding our goal of $5,000.  We could not have done so without your assistance. (Campaign site here.)  

This influx of money means that the food pantry can alleviate expanded food insecurity during the COVID-19 crisis.  In a time of true need for so many, your generous donations and community support have ensured that The Sharing Place can continue to stand by its creed: to not turn anyone away.  The funds will allow The Sharing Place to procure healthy food— in April, 195 families received a total of 14,000 pounds of food, including fresh meat and produce—for the next three months of distributions.

We at SJC were overwhelmed by the immediate response to our call to action.  It is certainly fulfilling to contribute to a vital cause; it is even more so in this unprecedented situation.  We are grateful for your selfless acts of support.  Helping us accomplish our goal guarantees that The Sharing Place can fulfill its mission, even during the pandemic: lifting the burden of hunger for Jersey City and Hudson County residents. 

Thank You Note From The Sharing Place ~


Marc Adelberg

Core Team Member

Sustainable Jersey City

Sharing Place Volunteers IMG-2076.jpg
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