Sustainable Jersey City is a catalyst organization whose Mission is to empower and activate community stakeholders, who are educated about and committed to environmental, economic and social justice. We leverage community assets to create programs that increase community knowledge and engagement to support existing sustainability initiatives, and enable systemic change from the grassroots level.

Our Vision is for Jersey City to become the greenest, most sustainable and resilient city in New Jersey, creating an equitable urban environment where everyone who lives and works here is thriving.

For a more in-depth understanding of what SJC does and to join our organization as an Honorary Charter Member, please read our SJC Charter here - if it resonates with you please sign it. Our Charter memorializes our earliest efforts to collaborate with City Hall in developing an action framework to deliver tangible benefits to community stakeholders. Read our 2013 Sustainability Action Plan for JC here which, while there has been some progress, still applies today.

As part of the balanced urban ecology we are advocating for in Jersey City, we try to include the arts in our projects and activities AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!  We feel that artists can help us to evolve some of our sustainability strategies through a unique lens and welcome their participation at all of our events. After all, sustainability is a cultural conversation and artist activists often pave the way when society needs to change direction - that time is now. Join us !

In August 2020, in a nod to our mission and the dedication of our members, SJC was officially recognized as a 501(c)(3) education nonprofit organization by the U.S. federal government. This designation provides SJC with powerful tools for meeting its sustainability goals and fulfilling its charter, including access to grant funding and tax-deductible donations. More than ever, SJC and its members are equipped to make Jersey City a greener, more sustainable and resilient place to live ~

READ SJC’s 2023 Summary Impact Report here (you can download the detailed report by clicking in the upper right corner). Each year going forward we will be reporting on some of the positive impacts we are making with our programming. See THE WAY WE WORK to understand more about our activities and the outcomes we are seeking !

SJC Officers & board Members


SJC’s 2023 Summary Impact Report


SJC’s Awards, Achievements, Funding Highlights


Community Partnerships That Matter