Dig In to Dig Out: Managing Urban Soils to Tackle Climate Change
Using Urban Soils to Soak Up That Carbon !
The soils beneath our feet have the potential to serve as an important carbon sponge, soaking up CO2 from the atmosphere and depositing it via photosynthesis into the ground as soil carbon compounds. This simple process can be aided by our actions, and can serve as an important and inexpensive bridge to climate solutions. Come learn how individuals and organizations can implement practices that will maximize soil carbon storage, as well as improve soil and water quality, and reduce erosion.
Presenter Tyler Randall, who is part of the leadership of Sustainable Jersey City (SJC), and heads up the food waste management campaign, will contextualize the evening's topic within the purview of SJC's actions.
Presenter Virginia Lamb of Groundwork Education and Consulting is an environmental educator with over 25 years experience in waste reduction, recycling, composting, organic gardening and sustainable soils management.
Presenter Eileen Banyra, a Planner who runs Community Compost Company, will speak about the potential of compost for building healthy soils in urban environments, showing that soil enrichment IS an active carbon mitigation strategy.
Presenter Jairo Gonzalez, who heads, the nonprofit, New Jersey Compost Council, will present the The usefulness of composting and advocacy as tools for climate mitigation action
The evening will culminate in a call to action--join SJC in its mission to enrich soils within Jersey City, and sequester carbon within the soil, in the process.