Tired of all the plastic bags and other discardable stuff that comes into your household each day ? Ever heard the term ‘single-use’ or understand what’s happening with microplastics found in our food supply? Know about what’s happening with garbage in the world and how that will effect our lives and those of future generations ? What about the do’s and don’ts of recycling in Jersey City ?
While it can sound like a BIG problem you can’t do much about, you can actually do more than you think ! What about learning what options you have to REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE, and then spreading the word about what you learned to friends, family and neighbors
We call that becoming an Eco-Ambassador and SJC invites you to become one :-)
Key elements of this Eco-Ambassador Training for Plastics & Materials Recycling will be to provide you with knowledge about the 1) identification of the different types of plastics and how to avoid and recycle them; 2) general and simple ways to reduce the throughput of materials; 3) strategies to increase recycling participation and compliance, even for hard-to-recycle items; 4) shared knowledge about materials that have the highest ‘carbon footprint’. This knowledge = talking points and approaches to sharing this information with friends, family and neighbors. See where we’re going with this ?
After this 3-hour training course, Eco-Ambassadors sign a Pledge to participate in a start-up audit of your waste footprint and then over the next year devote 12 hours (1 hour per month) to speaking with friends, family and neighbors about how they too can reduce the amount of material waste they generate. We need to start reducing the tremendous toll GARBAGE is having on the environment, one housefhold at a time !
Eco-Ambassadors will be given a tool kit of information, tips, and talking points to allow them to effectively communicate what they learn. In addition to reducing their own plastics and materials waste footprints, the most impact will be the personal experiences the Ambassadors share with those they interact with to spread the need for behavior change across a wider group of people.