Green Drinks + ART 7.19.2012

Visiting with the EPA chatting about Water Sense, Water Champions & Energy Star programs. Visiting with the EPA chatting about Water Sense, Water Champions & Energy Star programs.
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Timeline Photos

Open Call for Skill Shares ends September 1st!!Sign up here: our fb event page: Open Call for Skill Shares ends September 1st!!Sign up here: Visit our fb event page:
Check the date on this poster.  Found this at DOCO on Hamilton Park. Check the date on this poster. Found this at DOCO on Hamilton Park.
Today is the last day and we are VERY close! Let's make signs like this unnecessary in JC. Today is the last day and we are VERY close! Let's make signs like this unnecessary in JC.
Let's make signs like this unnecessary. Let's make signs like this unnecessary.
Have you ever thought about having chickens in Jersey City? One of our downtown friends has three hens and would love to tell you how. Move info to come on a backyard Pot-luck and JC Chickens 101. Have you ever thought about having chickens in Jersey City? One of our downtown friends has three hens and would love to tell you how. Move info to come on a backyard Pot-luck and JC Chickens 101.
please check out the links below. if you are interested in permaculture and the environment please come to the permaculture workshop this saturday! This event will be held at St. Pauls Lutheran Church where the P.E.A.C.E. Community Garden is located. Come to check that out too! more info on the Garden at please check out the links below. if you are interested in permaculture and the environment please come to the permaculture workshop this saturday! This event will be held at St. Pauls Lutheran Church where the P.E.A.C.E. Community Garden is located. Come to check that out too! more info on the Garden at
Please join us on Thursday for our second ever Green Drinks + Art! Please join us on Thursday for our second ever Green Drinks + Art!
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Green Drinks + ART 6.1.2012

Asha ("hope" in Hindi) - kinetic ash tray Asha ("hope" in Hindi) - kinetic ash tray
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Cover Photos

Peace Shieldused sled and spray paintby Jordan Liketheriveron display in Opening Reception - please join us !  SJC +ART at DRAWING ROOMS all month at Victory Hall Peace Shieldused sled and spray paint by Jordan Liketheriver

on display in Opening Reception - please join us ! SJC +ART at DRAWING ROOMS all month at Victory Hall

Peace Shield by Jordan Liketheriver Peace Shield by Jordan Liketheriver
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Profile Pictures

official logo official logo
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